Anime Power Generator

Names for wild anime and anime-style attacks, powers, abilities, magic, nijutsu, and more.

Select 'Generic' for all options to put no limits, or select as many categories as available. Selecting a specific category while leaving the others 'Generic' will mean that category will affect the description on its own.

Other generators you may like: Martial Arts Move Generator Magic Power
Your Options:
Altering Splash
Ballad Slaughter
Battler Assault
Edged Detonation
Fantasy Enlightenment
Finder Finger
Galaxy Device
Hammer Blast
Infected Way
Kingdom Cut
Lumen View
Miracle Mutation
Obliterator Fusion
Restraining View
Sanctuary Kiss
Shade Axe
Shuffle Blaze
Terra Mandala
Transforming Gush
Viral Weapon


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Seventh Sanctum™, the page of random generators.

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Seventh Sanctum(tm) and its contents are copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Savage except where otherwise noted. No infringement or claim on any copyrighted material is intended. Code provided in these pages is free for all to use as long as the author and this website are credited. No guarantees whatsoever are made regarding these generators or their contents.


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