Fantasy Metal Generator

From mithril to Valarian Steel, unusual metals are a fixture of fantasy. After all you're not going to make the weapon that destroys the Dark Quene of Korgath from regular old metal, you're going to use Dragonblood Bonesteel of the Elves and do it right. This generator helps you come up with fantasy metals, Forge of Volcanic Truth not included.

Your Options:
Avatars' Earthtime Orichalcum
Djinni's Magical Fogquake Tin Of The Sands
God-touched Soul Steel Of Revenants
Green Glitterruby Orichalcum
Lycanthropes' Unknown Fateglow Silver Of The Future
Miststone Adamant
Ogres' Foulmud Metal
Pearl Sandsilver
Phantasmal Gem Metal Of The Rivers
Redmirror Metal
Shadow Rottoxin Bronze
Sphinxes' Unknowable Muckfang Tin
Sphinxes' Unspeakable Truegold Of The West
Transcendent Smokeice Adamant
Trolls' Primordial Obsidian Orichalcum
Unspeakable Adamant Of Centaurs
Wights' Whiteevil Mithril
Wind Soulgold


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