Fantasy Military Unit Generator

Military units for fantasy settings.

Your Options:
Aerial Cavalry: The "Grave Wingers" - Golems, riding flying carpets, armed with cutlasses and crossbow pistols. This unit is mainly used for assassinations.
Ground Cavalry: The "War Beaks" - Bird-Men, riding golem-horses, armed with hammers and bows. This unit is mainly used for special operations.
Aerial Cavalry: The "Burrow Spearmen" - Halflings, riding rocs, armed with pikes and spears. This unit is mainly used for special operations.
Aquatic Infantry: The "Mace Engineers" - Gnomes using spells to breathe water, armed with maces. This unit is mainly used for patrolling.
Aquatic Cavalry: The "Stealthy Thieves" - Nereids, riding whales, armed with pikes. This unit is mainly used for covert operations.
Ground Infantry: The "Combat Defenders" - Humans, armed with warhammers and spears. This unit is mainly used for defensive operations.
Ground Infantry: The "Draconic Dragons" - Dragon-Men, armed with pikes and spears. This unit is mainly used for reconaissance.
Underground Infantry: The "Ancient Spelunkers" - Dragon-Men, armed with pikes and gunpowder pistols. This unit is mainly used for reconaissance.
Aquatic Cavalry: The "Waterborne Mechanics" - Gnomes using spells to breathe water, riding mecha-magical horses made to work underwater, armed with maces. This unit is mainly used for covert operations.
Ground Cavalry: The "Hoof Troopers" - Bat-Men, riding horses, armed with halberds and crossbow pistols. This unit is mainly used for covert operations.


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