Wrestling Move Generator

Names for wrestling moves, because the classic 'Sports Entertainment' really isn't the same without signature moves. These are based on deconstructing various classic moves, martial arts moves, and applying a bit of extra imagination and vocabulary.

Other generators you may like: Martial Arts Moves
Your Options:
Ankle Foot
Bear Sweep
Bell Knee
Cobra Snap
Fireman's Drive
Flying Heart Drop
Giant Mule Fist
Horizontal Choke
Indian Ring Rope Slam
Lariat Bear Lock
Lariat Entanglement
Low Axe Gutbuster
Low Vice Strike
Mandible Bell Underhook
Mat Drop
Rolling Feet
Rolling Suffering Vice
Russian Twist
Schoolboy Monkey Headbutt
Shooting Twist
Spinning Gutwrench
Springboard Jawbreaker
Surfboard Face Straight
Vertical Fist
Vertical Swing


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