The super-smart and super-tough genius adventurer who is rebuilt as a cyborg after a terrible accident and who hasn't decided on a life path.
The secret horror in the shadows of society who leads a band of merry men.
The boisterous and obnoxious antagonist who is avoiding an arranged marriage and who has it all together and will doubtlessly face a tragic death.
The strong-willed yet elegant Southern Belle who is bound by an unpleasant duty.
The opinionated and strong-willed older woman who is on the run from the law and who gets between close friends and ruins their relationships.
The warrior woman who makes cryptic statements.
The withdrawn yet somehow oddly attractive girl who knows the solution to everyone's problems.
The emotionally detached genius who is the last of a lost species and who wanders the world righting wrongs.
The strong-willed yet elegant Southern Belle who somehow manages to be a superhero.
The mysterious yet totally ineffective magical knight who has it all and wants more.
The boisterous and obnoxious antagonist who is rebuilt as a cyborg after a terrible accident and who gets between close friends and ruins their relationships.
The boisterous and obnoxious antagonist who pilots a giant robot made by their father.
The homewrecker who seeks their own destruction and who is driven insane by their strange powers.
The normal man who has a dark and mysterious past and who is driven insane by their strange powers.
The friendly alien who wants everything for their children and who has it all and wants more.
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