This story takes place in a wealthy domain. In it, a gladiator who hates animals attends a professional event and meets an uncreative zookeeper. What starts as detachment quickly becomes infatuation - all thanks to someone giving a test.
In this story, a sickly jailer falls in love with a lonely healer.
This story starts on the body of a creature so large people think it's a world. In it, a broken-hearted cleric goes on a blind date with a philosopher with a false identity. What starts as indifference quickly becomes a passionate affair - all thanks to someone reading a book.
This story starts in a large city on a dying planet. In it, an advertising executive in possession of coordinates to a great secret works with an awestruck technician. What starts as contempt unexpectedly turns into a passionate affair - all thanks to a chest being opened.
This story starts in a large city. In it, a watchful ranger is introduced to a spiritual newscaster. What starts as friendship becomes true love.
This story starts on a swamp planet. In it, a knight with unexpected depths falls madly in love with an unhappy barbarian - all thanks to someone building a dwelling. It seems a mobster with an unexpected destiny will bring them even closer together.
In this story, a dispirited newscaster becomes infatuated with a heir needing a friend. It seems someone questioning authority will bring them even closer together.
In this story, an unhappy movie reviewer is in love with a coachman who is considered the best in his/her profession - all thanks to a quest. It seems a moralistic environmentalist will bring them even closer together.
In this story, a playful media technician works with a sickly exorcist. What starts as confusion soon turns into infatuation - all thanks to the discovery of a long-lost friend.
In this story, a spy who is cursed with bad luck is forced to work with a sloppy lawman. What starts as carnal interest soon turns into true love - all thanks to a deception. It seems an outgoing laborer will bring them even closer together.
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