The story is about an obedient doctor who is engaged to a starship salesperson. It starts in a solar-system-spanning nation. Genetic engineering and its side effects is a major part of this story.
This is an epic about trustworthiness and how even the most creative person gets blocked. The story is about a distant botanist who is mysteriously connected to a knight. It takes place in a city hall. The story begins with temptation and ends with research being done.
This is a story about how the invention of man can destroy him. The story is about a healer, an uncreative bartender, a knight, and a frustrated rabble-rouser. It starts in a port city. The critical element of the story is a keepsake.
This is an epic about alienation. The story is about a wily conjurer and a beastmaster who is constantly opposing a shiftless daycare employee. It starts in an outpost. The speed of technological advancement is a major part of this story.
The story is about a driven magician, a combative reporter, a watchman, and a chemist. It starts in a guildhouse in a jungle dukedom. The crux of the story involves longing. Different kinds of magic are vying for supremacy in the story.
The story is about a school of extraverted fortune-tellers. It takes place in a hamlet. The story climaxes with a deception.
This is a screwball comedy with an undercurrent about how life is a funny thing. The story is about a rat-catcher. It takes place in a tourist town in the Arctic. Globalization plays a major part in the story.
This is a comedy-of-manners with a strong theme of how a utopia is impossible. The story is about a terrorist, an alchemist, a college professor, and an open-minded investor who is constantly annoyed by an arch-mage. It takes place in a prison. The critical element of the story is a birthday preparation.
The story is about a posturing rascal, a scatterbrained coachman, a salesperson, and a kind newscaster. It starts in a town in a solar-system-spanning empire. The story begins with a discovery, climaxes with the revealing of an impostor, and ends with a keepsake.
This is an on-the-run story. The story is about a surgeon in possession of coordinates to a great secret. It starts in a doctor's office in a village. The story begins with longing and ends with a chest being opened.
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